When Enough is Not Enough

Have you ever felt a stirring deep within, an unshakable restlessness that tells you, "This is not it"? That feeling may not be something to dismiss—it could be the Spirit of God calling you to something greater.

In Judges 13:24-25, we read about Samson, a child blessed by God, who began experiencing the Spirit’s stirring at a young age. This restlessness was not random; it was purposeful. Similarly, God may be using restlessness in your life to awaken a greater purpose.

Restlessness isn’t always easy to understand. Samson’s parents were confused by his desire for a Philistine wife (Judges 14:1-4). Yet, Scripture reveals that God was using this situation to fulfill His greater plan. The lesson here is clear: even when it seems like chaos, God is orchestrating something profound.

As you feel that divine stirring, remember the words of 2 Timothy 1:6: "Stir up the gift of God which is in you." That restlessness you feel is an invitation to fan the flame of the gifts God has placed in your life.

In Matthew 15:22-28, a Canaanite woman’s persistence moved Jesus to act. Her faith, born out of desperation and restlessness, broke through cultural barriers to bring healing to her daughter. This shows that restless faith can move God.

Genesis 27:40 reminds us that restlessness is often the catalyst for breaking free: “But when you decide to break free, you will shake his yoke from your neck” (NLT). Your decision to act on that restlessness can break generational strongholds and lead to freedom.

Finally, Micah 2:10 reminds us, “This is not your rest.” When God stirs your spirit, it’s often a call to step out of complacency and into the fullness of His plan. Don’t fear criticism or resistance; restlessness is often the sign of God’s hand at work.

Embrace the restlessness. Break free from what holds you back. Aspire to greater spiritual heights. The best is yet to come.

Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre

Church of God Mission International - Common Impact Centre. We are a local church in Dagenham, United Kingdom. We love God and exist so that all people can find new life in Christ. For more info about us or to plan a visit, please visit our website or connect with us on social media. We hope you are blessed and inspired.


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